How Can I Achieve Quality Improvement In My Practice?
This VETChat episode is part of our series on supporting and empowering women in veterinary, hosted by Kathryn Bell. Joining Kathryn today is Pam Mosedale, Quality Improvement Clinical Lead at RCVS Knowledge.
In this episode, Kathryn and Pam discuss the topic of quality improvement (QI) in practice. Pam shares what QI is, how practices can achieve QI and how practice managers can get started. Pam also shares her answers to questions from our audience, such as ‘Does blame culture inhibit quality improvement?’.
Resources mentioned in the episode can be found at the end of this blog post.
Check out the preview below, or listen to the episode here.
BVetMed MRCVS, Quality Improvement Clinical Lead at RCVS Knowledge
Kathryn: So quality improvement, what is it all about in practice?
Pam: Well, I think most people know that it’s in the code of conduct for vets and veterinary nurses that we have to take part in clinical governance. Clinical governance, I think is something we’ve always done. It’s just thinking about what we do and seeing if we can do it any better, really.
We’ve always done it, and I’ve been qualified for a long time, in an informal way, maybe around coffee breaks and things. Clinical governance asks you to have a framework to do it regularly and act on what you’ve talked about.
So that’s the kind of framework, but quality improvement is giving you the tools to do it. It actually is about giving you the systems and tools to actually make these improvements.
Listen to the rest of the episode here.