Speaker bio page for Dr Camilla Edwards

Img of Dr Camilla Edwards

Dr Camilla Edwards



Dr. Camilla Edwards, DVM, CertAVP, MRCVS Dr. Camilla Edwards is passionate about first opinion level small animal veterinary ultrasound. She travels with her dog Pippi (a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever) within 50 miles of Cambridge as a peripatetic veterinary ultrasonographer, Camilla teaches ultrasound through FOVU and has built a thriving Facebook community for First Opinion Small Animal Vets. Through her website, www.fovu.co.uk, she reviews ultrasound machines with general practice small animal vets in mind. Camilla qualified as a vet in 2006 and has worked all over East Anglia, UK. Camilla is experienced in emergency and critical care, having gained her CertAVP in 2018.

Webinars from Dr Camilla Edwards
